Bob Sadler

Lead Engineer

Program Manager for ACES II® and Chief Engineer for Ejection Seats, United Technology/Goodrich

  • Over 40 Years in Aerospace design, development and test
  • Led ejection seat design teams
  • Provided certification of production line delivering ACES II® Ejection Seat customers
  • Chief Engineer providing management and technical oversight of all ejection seat engineering activities for several different ejection seats
  • Led proposal preparation teams for aircraft upgrades and escape system design
  • Technical oversight of UTAS/Goodrich Sled Test Facility
  • Designer of many ejection seat subsystems and components
  • Led development of a new parachute for ACES II® and next generation ejection seats

Mr. Sadler is one of the only ejection seat and escape systems engineers with extensive experience in pyrotechnic systems as well as ejection seat performance, design and test.  He is well known in the community as being the key resource for crew escape systems.

ACES II® is a Registered Trademark of Collins Aerospace