Cartridge Actuated Devices and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD)
TASK Aerospace, Inc. manufactures CAD/PAD items and facilitates the acquisition of these devices and systems for ejection seats, stores deployment and egress systems. With over 120 years of combined expertise in egress and stores management systems, Task personnel are expert in the design, development, manufacture, management and acquisition of pyrotechnic items for use in these systems.

Task Aerospace, Inc. recent efforts include identifying correct items, developing Request for Quotes to Vendors and performing the procurement and acceptance of CAD/PAD items for ejection seats for the private sector operating Northrop F-5/T-38, F-16 and Douglas A-4 aircraft. As users know, it is a difficult process to understand and to navigate. Over the past two years Task has developed the manufacturing capability for CAD/PAD items, manufacturing obsolete and hard to acquire pyrotechnic items. Task Aerospace, Inc. offers the support and logistics required to manufacture, procure and install your CAD/PAD items.
Task will support your pyrotechnic device requirements by offering design, development, manufacture and test services as part of your team. Efforts underway include the development of replacements/alternates for impossible to find CAD items. The expertise at Task is an invaluable asset to your program.
Cartridge Actuated Devices and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD or Explosive Components) for A-4, F-5, T-38, A/T-37, and F-16 are available from Task Aerospace.
Task Aerospace, Inc. is ready to support you pyrotechnic requirements. Contact Task for greater detail.
TASK Aerospace, Inc. facilitates the acquisition of the pyrotechnic devices and systems for ejection seats, stores deployment and egress systems. With over 120 years of combined expertise in egress and stores management systems, Task personnel are expert in the design, development, management and acquisition of pyrotechnic items for use in these systems.
Task Aerospace, Inc. recent efforts include identifying correct items, develop Request for Quotes to Vendors and performing the procurement and acceptance of CAD/PAD items for ejection seats for the private sector operating Northrop F-5/T-38 and Douglas A-4 aircraft. As users know, it is a difficult process to understand and to navigate. Task Aerospace, Inc. offers the support and logistics required to procure and install your CAD/PAD items.
Task will support your pyrotechnic device requirements by offering design, development and test services as part of your team. Efforts underway include the development of a unique igniter system that reduces cost and lead times considerably over incumbent designs. The expertise at Task is an invaluable asset to your program.
Task Aerospace, Inc. is ready to support you pyrotechnic requirements. Contact Task for greater detail.
Task Aerospace, Inc. offers a management tool specifically designed to efficiently manage Cartridge Actuated and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD) used in escape systems, ejection seats, aircrew flight equipment, fire suppressions and stores release systems. The CAD/PAD Requirements and Management Program (RAMP) develops fleet requirement forecasts and sustainment budgets with accuracy and ease. RAMP creates time-change maintenance schedules, manages and tracks inventory, and suggests procurement (requisition) actions. RAMP offers increased aircraft readiness by assuring availability of critical CAD/PAD items.
For more information, visit our RAMP page.
Qualified Training:
- Basic CAD/PAD (explosives) Handling
- CAD/PAD Installation and Removal
- Basic Ejection Seat Maintenance
TASK personnel are US Air Force Master Instructors for every aspect of Egress and CAD/PAD. In many cases, courses can be taught in native language. With the extensive turnover of personnel, and the lack of certified trainers in-house, TASK offers certified training that is recognized by US and Foreign Governments and meets the requirements of the systems.
We have developed a training program teaches the removal of the ejection seat from the aircraft, the removal of CAD/PAD items from the ejection seat, the installation of the CAD/PAD items onto the ejection seat, and the installation and check-out of the ejection seat into the aircraft. Because of the safety issues associated with handling pyrotechnic systems, each of your maintainers should be familiar with these tasks. This course will make the maintainer confident, and safe.
A custom training program can be built for your requirements, for your ejection seat, and for your aircraft. Contact TASK to help you develop Egress training programs.
CAD/PAD Disposal is provided by Task Aerospace, Inc. for those over-aged or expired CAD/PAD items. Task will facilitate your CAD/PAD Disposal by first making an assessment of your items, packaging and documentation. Following an assessment, Task personnel will provide a list of required (certified) packaging and either procure the packaging for you, or support your procurement process. Once packaging is available, the CAD/PAD Disposal process begins. Task personnel will package all items in approved packaging, develop all required documentation, and arrange pick-up and shipping of the items to a US Government Certified CAD/PAD Disposal facility.
Task personnel facilitate the entire process of CAD/PAD Disposal, from coming to your facility and making an assessment of the requirement to delivering it to the CAD/PAD Disposal facility. CAD/PAD Disposal is a unique service provided by Task Aerospace, Inc. Generally, pricing is based on the Net Weight of the item and its packaging, not just the Net Explosive Weight (NEW) within the item. There is a minimum charge for CAD/PAD Disposal, plus a per-pound value.
For more information, contact Task