Task Aerospace has successfully completed the development and qualification of the Mk82 rocket motor replacement. A-4 Skyhawk operators are installing the new rocket motor on their aircraft. US and foreign operators have participated in this commercial qualification of a replacement rocket motor for use on fighter aircraft ejection seats.
More and more legacy aircraft require alternate sources for pyrotechnic devices in order to continue to fly. In some cases, the US Government no longer provides pyrotechnic devices for legacy aircraft applications. In many cases, the device can be provided, but it is cost prohibitive. With this Task program, and other new programs, operators of legacy fighters are provided with commercially qualified alternatives. Additional rocket motors and other pyrotechnic devices (CAD/PAD) are underway to become qualified in the same manner.
Task Aerospace has become the alternate to the US Government for product and technical support. The US Navy and the US Air Force support Task’s efforts through IDIQ contracts and CRADA programs to allow Task to have access to required data.
The man-seat separation rocket motor has been delivered and installed on A-4 ESCAPAC ejection seats. Next, the Rocket Catapult (RoCat) for ESCAPAC will complete qualification and delivery in 2019. Along with the rocket motors, a Task Aerospace Technical Manual is provided to all operators. The Manual provides all necessary Storage, Handling, Packaging, Inspection, and Shelf/Service information.
Task has become a partner to operators trying to navigate the hard-to-follow CAD/PAD world.
Contact Task with your CAD/PAD challenges.